Our Youth and Children’s Ministry programmes are staffed by volunteers from Moreton Baptist Church.
In accordance with good practice, all regular workers are checked to ensure their suitability to work with children and young people.
We value our children and young people and work to provide groups which cater for their needs. Each group helps children and young people understand the Bible in a way that is suitable for their age in an engaging and relevant way.

Little Stars
Our toddler group takes place on Mondays in term time 1:30 – 2:45 pm
It’s a free play session with juice and biscuits for the children twards the end, followed by a singing time. Refreshments are provided for the adults during the session.

Journey Makers
On Wednesdays, at the church 5:30 – 6:30 pm in term time. It’s a club for children in reception up to and including Year 6. .
June 24, 2024 · 6pm – 9pm

Sunday mornings
Explorers and Bible Class, together with the creche provide activities for children and young people during the later part of Sunday services.
Sunday at 10:30 am